To ensure we are providing accurate and timely information, we only list articles on studies that are published in peer-reviewed periodicals and provide information to help you live well with PD. CLICK FOR A FULL LIST OF ARTICLES AND RESEARCH STUDIES
Evaluation of quality of life and psychological aspects of Parkinson’s disease patients who participate in a support groups Artigas NR, Striebel VLW, Hilbig A, Rieder CRM. Evaluation of quality of life and psychological aspects of Parkinson's disease patients who participate in a support group. Dement Neuropsychol. 2015 Jul-Sep;9(3):295-300. doi: 10.1590/1980-57642015DN93000013. PMID: 29213975; PMCID: PMC56193 (7/30/2015)
Persons with Parkinson's Disease are often affected by quality of life issues that include more than physical motor systems, including rigidity, dyskinesia, and tremor. Anxiety, sleep disorders, social isolation, depression, and memory loss can contribute to the quality of life for those with PD. A study in Brazil suggests that participation in support groups help reduce anxiety symptoms, social phobia, and depressive episodes for persons with PD. Click to read the full article
The Parkinson's Association of SWFL offers support groups for persons with PD and their Care Partners. Click to learn more
Persons with Parkinson's Disease are often affected by quality of life issues that include more than physical motor systems, including rigidity, dykinesia, and tremor. To find additional papers and researchCLICK HERE