PD STUDY WITH FGCU Thank you for your interest in this research study! Join us for a Zoom Session to learn more about the
FGCU Research Study
“Functional Activity Outcomes Following Exercise for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease with Co-Investigators Meghan Whitney & Emily Hauff, DPT students
If you are interested in participating in the research study, the initial in-person screening will be held at the PASWFL office on Monday, March 7 between 11:00am - 3:00pm.
The initial screening should not last longer than 20 minutes.
Please email your preferred screening time 11:00 am, 11:30 am, 12:00n,
Group I: You will be required to participate in a minimum of two PASWFL 2pm Advanced Movement/Exercise classes per week or two in-person exercise sessions at the Florida HIIT Factory on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30am.
The study participants will be required to perform a simple 6-meter total walking test, “Timed-Up-and-Go Test” during the 1st week, repeat during the 6th week, and complete the final test during the 12th week. The test will be held at the PASWFL office or via Zoom. You will be contacted to schedule best day and time.
Exclusion Criteria
History of surgery within the past 3 months
Use of an ankle-foot-orthotic (AFO) for walking
Unable to walk 3 meters
Group II: You will be required to participate in a minimum of two PASWFLs non-exercise sessions, i.e., speech exercise, support group sessions.
Both groups will complete a quality-of-life survey at weeks 1, 6 and 12.
Tentative Timeline March 7: In person “Timed-Up-and-Go Test” at PASWFL office - Another date will be identified if you are unavailable this day Week One: Week of March 7 or March 14 Week Six: Week of April 11 or April 18 Week Twelve: Week of May 23 of May 30
Next Steps: · Interested in participating in the research study? · Do you have more questions regarding the research study?